Juniper Rise

Juniper Rise is
Anne Lucy-Shanley

Juniper Rise is book 2 in the Mayfly Hollow storyline and I loved reading it. It picks up pretty much 6 months after the first book ended. Things are progressing and growing at Mayfly Hollow teams have been sent out to find more live more live humans that are willing to help at Mayfly Hollow.
I love the two main characters
Sofia Spenser is a plus sized gal with the will to live but she is alone doesn’t like being by herself. Sophia is very vivacious and has a caring heart.. Sophia learns more about her feelings when she meets Ben (who Sophia thinks is hot as anything).
Now Ben.. He was a Defense Attorney by trade before the Virus .. he is out on a mission to recruit new members to bring back to Mayfly Hollow.. when he see Sofia hot sparks fly.
I loved the feelings that both stir up in each other… it gave me lots of warm fuzzies on the inside.
Do Ben and Sofie bring there emotions under control when tragedy happens at Mayfly and show there true feelings or does it all fall apart?
I loved the ending.. and I can not wait to see what happens in the next installment of Mayfly Hollow. This book is a definite must read and worth the 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

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